13.1.2023, St.Michael Church, Mengeš (SLO), at 19:30h
CONCERT - ŽPZ Stane Habe, Domžale
-- together with female choir ŽPZ Stane Habe from Domžale, conducted by Andreja Polanec
- guests: Tomaž Habe (organ, violin) and Manca Dornik (accordion)
- works by: J.S.Bach, C.Franck, D.Močnik, T.Habe and others
- https://www.facebook.com/1188747062/videos/664793115431472/
23.1.2023, Klaus Linder Saal (Musik Akademie Basel), Basel (CH), at 13:30h
"GAME MUSIC" - zone experimentale concert
- accordionist of zone experimental group
- works by Maja Bosnič, Bernhard Lang and Agata Zubel
26.1.2022, Grosser Saal (Musik Akademie Basel), Basel (CH), at 19:30h
"GAME MUSIC" concert - opening event of "SPIEL! Games as Critical Practice"
- accordionist of zone experimental group
works by Maja Bosnič and Bernhard Lang
- stream of concert available: https://www.youtube.com/live/RIZ2DMbw6M4?feature=share
- more about conference: https://www.fhnw.ch/de/forschung-und-dienstleistungen/musik/hochschule-fuer-musik/veranstaltungen/2021-22/games-as-critical-practice
10.2.2023, Heinz Holliger Auditorium (Don Bosco), Basel (CH), at 19h
Pre-concert of works of Toshio Hosokawa
- together with "Basel Composition Competition"
- working together with Hosokawa on duo work "In Tiefe der Zeit" for cello and accordion (Katarina Leskovar, cello)
13.3.2023, Klaus Linder Saal (Musik Akademie Basel), Basel (CH), at 19:30h
Zone experimentale concert
- accordionist of zone experimental group, led by Yaron Deutsch
- works by Christopher Trapani, Luc Ferrari, Carola Bauckholt and Katherine Young
27.3-28.3.2023, Nordic Culture Point, Helsinki (FIN)
- part 3; final meetings with other mentors and mentees, final presentations
- more: https://www.nordiskkulturkontakt.org/en/grants/about-the-grant-programmes/mentorship/
3.4.2023, Klaus Linder Saal (Musik Akademie Basel), Basel (CH), at 19:30h
Zone experimentale concert
- accordionist of zone experimental group, led by Yaron Deutsch
- works by Elena Rykova, Horatiu Radulescu, Fausto Romitelli and Sam Pluta
6.4.2023, kHaus (Saal), Basel (CH), at 19:30h
"with these hand I ..."
- duo concert together with Phoebe Bognar (flutes, performance)
- part of Swiss tour
- works by Kelley Sheehan, Jürg Frey, Yu Kuwabara, Main Hynninen, Christopher Biggs, Maria Munoz Lopez, Phoebe Bognar, Manca Dornik
- more about: https://phoebebognar.com/with-these-hands-i/
7.4.2023, Progr, Bern (CH), at 19:30h
"with these hand I ..."
- duo concert together with Phoebe Bognar (flutes, performance)
- part of Swiss tour
- works by Kelley Sheehan, Jürg Frey, Yu Kuwabara, Main Hynninen, Christopher Biggs, Maria Munoz Lopez, Phoebe Bognar, Manca Dornik
- more about: https://phoebebognar.com/with-these-hands-i/
8.4.2023, Theather Pavillon, Luzern (CH), at 19:30h
"with these hand I ..."
- duo concert together with Phoebe Bognar (flutes, performance)
- part of Swiss tour
- works by Kelley Sheehan, Jürg Frey, Yu Kuwabara, Main Hynninen, Christopher Biggs, Maria Munoz Lopez, Phoebe Bognar, Manca Dornik
- more about: https://phoebebognar.com/with-these-hands-i/
10.4.2023, (for location of concert, please follow link below - upon registration), Frankfurt (D), at 19:30h
"with these hand I ..."
- duo concert together with Phoebe Bognar (flutes, performance)
- part of International tour
- works by Kelley Sheehan, Jürg Frey, Yu Kuwabara, Main Hynninen, Christopher Biggs, Maria Munoz Lopez, Phoebe Bognar, Manca Dornik
- more about: https://phoebebognar.com/with-these-hands-i/
12.4.2023, Vapaan Taiteen Tila, Helsinki (FIN), at 19:30h
"with these hand I ..."
- duo concert together with Phoebe Bognar (flutes, performance)
- part of International tour
- works by Kelley Sheehan, Jürg Frey, Yu Kuwabara, Main Hynninen, Christopher Biggs, Maria Munoz Lopez, Phoebe Bognar, Manca Dornik
- more about: https://phoebebognar.com/with-these-hands-i/
8.5.2023, Klaus Linder Saal (Musik Akademie Basel), Basel (CH), at 19:30h
Zone experimentale concert
- accordionist of zone experimental group, led by Yaron Deutsch
- works by Chaya Czernowin, TBA rest of composers
18.5.2023, Metsäpurosali, Maunula-talo, Helsinki (FIN), at 16h
The Great Learning, paragraph 4
- together with Tulkinnanvaraista, Naarmu Ensemble and accordionists Sini Ström and Antti Leinonen
- works by Cornelius Cardew, John Cage and Mieko Shiomi
19.5.2023, Taidehalli, Porvoo (FIN), at 18h
The Great Learning, paragraph 4
- together with Tulkinnanvaraista, Naarmu Ensemble and accordionists Sini Ström and Antti Leinonen
- works by Cornelius Cardew, John Cage and Mieko Shiomi
6.6. - 8.6..2023, Ackermannshof, Basel (CH), various timings TBA
"ATTACCA" - Festival für aktuelle Musik Basel
- accordionist of zone experimental group and chamber music groups
- works by Philippe Hurel, Salvatore Sciarrino, Elnaz Seyedi, Bernhard Lang, Magnus Lindberg, Sampo Haapamäki and Francesco Filidei
14.6.2023, Don Bosco, Basel (CH), at 19h
"Schlusskonzert Sonic Space"
- accordionist of zone experimental group
- work by Eland Seyedi
27.6. - 16.7.2023, Geneve (CH)
- aiming towards concert tournee in Switzerland, supported and funded by several foundations
- working group together with Nicolas Roulive (composer, performer) and Anton Lindström (percussionist, performer)
- working time of: residency, co-composition, designing and building synthesisers etc.
- TBA more about project
17.7.2023, Les 6 toits, Geneve (CH) at 19h
- part of concert tournee in Switzerland, supported and funded by several foundations
- together with Nicolas Roulive (composer, performer) and Anton Lindström (percussionist, performer)
- TBA more about project
18.7.2023, La Voirie, Biel (CH) at 19h
- part of concert tournee in Switzerland, supported and funded by several foundations
- together with Nicolas Roulive (composer, performer) and Anton Lindström (percussionist, performer)
- TBA more about project
19.7.2023, BAU3, Basel (CH) at 19h
- part of concert tournee in Switzerland, supported and funded by several foundations
- together with Nicolas Roulive (composer, performer) and Anton Lindström (percussionist, performer)
- TBA more about project
20.7.2023, Theather Pavillon, Luzern (CH) at 20h
- part of concert tournee in Switzerland, supported and funded by several foundations
- together with Nicolas Roulive (composer, performer) and Anton Lindström (percussionist, performer)
- TBA more about project
21.7.2023, PAKT_raum_13, Bern (CH) at 19h
- part of concert tournee in Switzerland, supported and funded by several foundations
- together with Nicolas Roulive (composer, performer) and Anton Lindström (percussionist, performer)
- TBA more about project
23.7.2023-4.8.2023, Mumuth, Palais Meran; Graz (A)
"Impuls festival" for contemporary music
- accordionist of zone experimental group
- part of open call for composers - please check: https://www.impuls.cc/academy-2023/special-programs
- more about: https://www.impuls.cc/academy-2023/ensembles
- exact concerts, composers and works: TBA
23.8.2023, Boswil (CH) at 18h
Wandel I - «Best of Akademie für neue Musik»
- accordionist of Latenz Ensemble
- https://www.kuenstlerhausboswil.ch/show-item/wandel-i-best-of-akademie-fuer-neue-musik
26.9.2023 - 30.9.2023, Helsinki (FIN), Musiikkitalo
Composer-performer collaboration - reading sessions together with HISS Quartet and Korvat Auki
- open call "Crossings"
- six selected composers
- HISS Quartet consisting of Livia Schweizer (flutes), Artturi Aalto (cello), Teuvo Taimioja (guitar) and Manca Dornik (accordion)
18.10.2023, Boswil (CH) at 19:30h
Geschichte(n) II - Tavolata - musikalische Tischgespräche
- solo concert consisting of works by J.S.Bach, A.Piazzolla etc.
- duo with Susanne Oldani (soprano) on works by R.Schumann, F.Schubert and W.Lang
- fusion of music and contemporary dance together with Nannine Linning on music by J.S.Bach
3.11.2023 - 10.11.2023, Helsinki (FIN), Musiikkitalo
Composer-performer collaboration - final sessions together with HISS Quartet and Korvat Auki
- open call "Crossings"
- HISS Quartet consisting of Livia Schweizer (flutes), Artturi Aalto (cello), Teuvo Taimioja (guitar) and Manca Dornik (accordion)
11.11.2023, Helsinki (FIN), Kansallissali at 19h
"Crossings" - HISS Quartet & Korvat Auki
- world premieres by Nuoranne, Kilpeläinen, Tolvi, Antonsen, Kallioniemi and Heinonen
- HISS Quartet consisting of Livia Schweizer (flutes), Artturi Aalto (cello), Teuvo Taimioja (guitar) and Manca Dornik (accordion)
6.12.2023, Copenhagen (DK), Concert hall of Royal Danish Academy of Music at 19h
Debut solo concert - Manca Dornik
- works by J.S.Bach, P.Hurel (Danish premiere), R.Saunders, T.Hosokawa, M.Lindberg
- Ruben Banuleos Preciado (percussions)
26.12.2023, Mengeš (SLO), Cerkev Sv.Mihaela at 15h
Christmas concert
- together with female choir ŽPZ Stane Habe from Domžale, conducted by Andreja Polanec
- instrumentalists: M.Grmek Seražin (clarinet), Ema Grčman (cello) and Manca Dornik (accordion)
- works by: J.S.Bach, C.Franck, A.Vivaldi, J.Downland and others
27.12.2023, Novo mesto (SLO), Sv.Lenart at 19h
Christmas concert
- together with female choir ŽPZ Stane Habe from Domžale, conducted by Andreja Polanec
- instrumentalists: M.Grmek Seražin (clarinet), Ema Grčman (cello) and Manca Dornik (accordion)
- works by: J.S.Bach, C.Franck, A.Vivaldi, J.Downland and others